
Moody App Design

We believe there has been a lack of focus and resources on stress management for college students and we want to offer an experience that will help them understand themselves and grow as individuals. We understand that stress management is not an overnight fix, therefore, we provide tools to start and maintain a journey to better mental health, and encourage steady, sustainable change over time. Moody acts as a responsive modern-day diary that changes as you change, it is meant to be used as a tool to help you reflect and understand yourself more as an individual. 

Moody’s on-boarding.

Our on-boarding process is a little extensive and asks many deep questions than an app normally would but we do this in order to fully understand your need from Moody. We also ask that you sync up your phone and all devices to our app so we can monitor the things that go on behind the scenes.  After doing this you are taken to the dashboard to record goals and learn some tips.

Some examples of Moody’s on-boarding process.

Some examples of Moody’s on-boarding process.

This weeks tip is teaching you easy ways to show self-love.

This weeks tip is teaching you easy ways to show self-love.

Daily mood log

Each day we ask our users to log how their day went. This process can be as quick or as extensive as the user would like, but ultimately the responses we receive in this portion of the app help us collect data. This data will be used to help us make decisions on what advice we should give in push notifications, what quotes we should use, the type of tips we will display on the dashboard, and much more.

The daily log features questions that help you identify how your day went in depth.

The daily log features questions that help you identify how your day went in depth.

Quick fixes (SOS)

This feature of the app acts as a resource for people who are in need of quick fixes to calm down or de-stress. The methods that are currently featured will change based on the ones you use the most. Some of the many quick fixes featured are breathing exercises, drawing, music, positive feeds, and stretches that allow you to focus and calm down.  New ones will filter through as you move further in the app.

Some of the quick fixes featured on our app.

Some of the quick fixes featured on our app.

Mood tracking

When entering the app the user will be prompted to choose which mood they feel the closest too with a brief description telling us why. The app automatically calculates each entry for daily, weekly, and monthly cumulative results. You can go back and see each entry in more detail to give you more insight into why your feeling that way. The app also works behind the scenes to show you trends in your mood, an overview of your health, and ways to reduce screen-time.

The pop-up you would be prompted to answer before entering the app.

The pop-up you would be prompted to answer before entering the app.

The cumulative results of your mood tracking and in-depth insights.

The cumulative results of your mood tracking and in-depth insights.

This feature shows the user trends in each specific mood.

This feature shows the user trends in each specific mood.

Overviews allow the user to see what worked and what didn’t with real data.

Overviews allow the user to see what worked and what didn’t with real data.

Moody sends you push notifications that are geared specifically toward your journey. We want to give you the extra push you need to seize the day!

Push notifications.jpg

Moody in the real world

Moody partners with school counseling services in hopes that on-campus counselors will encourage their students to download the app. Some of our promotional materials include a poster campaign, table tents placed in dining halls, and buttons that will be handed out by various departments. We hope to give students the encouragement they need to get to know themselves better. We believe by universities promoting Moody on-campus students will feel encouraged to take control of their mental health.

A poster series promoting Moody on campus by engaging students with bright colors and relatable statements.

A poster series promoting Moody on campus by engaging students with bright colors and relatable statements.

Table tents to be placed around dining halls and common areas.

Table tents to be placed around dining halls and common areas.

Buttons that will be distributed at various mental health events on campus and counseling services.

Buttons that will be distributed at various mental health events on campus and counseling services.


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