While working at Health Union I have the opportunity to highlight issues of accessibility within healthcare by amplifying patient voices through digital collage and illustration.

Marketing Imagery

Illuminating Patient Needs Through Socially Driven Insights, Health-union.com

Why Treating Intimacy As a Clinical Symptom Matters, Health-union.com

Treating Cancer as a Chronic Condition, Health-union.com

Rare Conditions: The Multifaceted Financial Impact, Health-union.com


RLS Didn’t Ruin Our Elopement, RestlessLegsSyndrome.Sleep-Disorders.net

Blame My Narcolepsy, NOT ME!, Narcolepsy.Sleep-Disorders.net

The Unhealthy Habit of Comparing, Narcolepsy.Sleep-Disorders.net

Walking Back Into the Ward, BladderCancer.net

My Dry Eyes Don’t Play Nice with My Other Health Issues, ChronicDryEye.net

Caring For a Disabled Person as a Disabled Person, AnkylosingSpondylitis.net